Cursed – Leigh Kenny

As stupid as this is about to sound, I think one of the most horrifying things about this book was the hair stuck to the tape in the box. I don’t know why, but hair of any kind on something sticky makes my skin itch. I don’t like it at all, so that was a fun extra layer to this story for me!

I’ll now be extremely wary of anyone who attempts to give me a box and is acting weirdly over the top about me taking it. Or if a box randomly shows up with an apology note….no thanks. You can keep your sorries and your cursed tape hair box!

Cursed was a fairly short read, and I think it suffered a little bit for it. I did have some lingering questions at the end that I didn’t feel got answered, and I really wanted to know more about the creature and the things that she does. She felt a little vague and not fully-fleshed out, so my general suspicious side-eye at her wasn’t as suspicious as it could’ve been.

Despite the lingering questions, I did have a good time reading this! It’s a quick lesson in how sometimes good people do bad things, and that sometimes, despite our best efforts, good can’t always beat the evil.

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