Reboot – DE McCluskey

3/5 stars

I struggled to get into this one a little. I did end up reading it fairly quickly, but I just couldn’t throw myself into it as much as I wanted to.

I didn’t like these characters. Carl was a grade A jerk who, despite saying that he’s a people person and could get along with anyone, is emphatically not. His attitude toward his job and his behaviour at work (not taking into account the horror elements) would’ve gotten him at least written up if not actively fired. He just really grated on my nerves and really had no business working with the public.

I don’t think the humour in this was for me either, truth be told. The somewhat frequent references to sexual harassment in the workplace and jokes of that nature didn’t work for me. Being the recipient of those types of crude jokes and being in horrible situations at work is not a pleasant experience at all, and jokes about it will never be funny to me.

That being said, I enjoyed the plot itself despite the logistics of it giving me a slight headache. It was a really creative take on cosmic horror and the inside jokes in the IT field! I thought the ending itself was especially poetic, and someone definitely got exactly what they deserved.

While this one might not have been my favourite of McCluskey’s works, it was still a unique and interesting story! Just remember….turn it off, then turn it back on. It’ll solve most any problem!

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