There’s Something Wrong with Aunty Beth – Mark Towse

3/5 stars

Mark Towse has a very interesting way of delivering a story! You think you’re reading a fairly wholesome (still horrifying) story, then he hits you with that gut punch that makes you look at the whole thing in a new light. It’s a really unique way of storytelling and made for a cool reading experience!

The last six stories completely sold this book for me. While there weren’t any bad stories in this collection, these ones definitely stood out! From horrifying fly transformations to offended dead serial killers to deals with demons for true love, you really can’t go wrong with any of them.

‘My Name is Mark Kellis’ was probably my favourite of the bunch, though! It was so creative and unique, it completely blew me away. I have no idea how Mark came up with it, but it was beautifully done!

The first half of the book dragged a little bit for me. I enjoyed the stories a lot, but it felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere when I was reading. As much as I loved ‘Mother Dearest’, it threw off the pace of the book for me since it was so long. I’d have loved to see this as its own separate piece instead of in the middle of this collection.

Big thank you to Mark for giving me a copy of “There’s Something Wrong with Aunty Beth”; I had a lot of fun with this!

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