Stay Out of the Tub!! by D.W. Hitz

5/5 stars

On this episode of ‘Where Not to Stick Your Ding Dong’, we’re exploring eye sockets, neck flaps, and chest cavities! During the break, we’ll discuss what to do when sounding goes wrong!

Stay Out of the Tub!! is a delightfully gory exploration of why you shouldn’t have used antique tubs in your home. Reason Number 1: It probably has a demon inside it. Number 2: You’ll feel hunger like never before. And Number 3: You’ll die.

What a ride! I’ve never had so much fun reading a horror book. There was so much going on all the time, but the little slices of life with Molly and Fred were just what was needed to cut the tension and provide a break from the action. I liked the playful dynamic that those two had despite the large age gap between them. It made me sympathize with them a lot more than with their parents.

This book went from 0 to 100 real quick. It was like a train wreck in the best way: once it got started, you couldn’t look away. I think that zipper analogy will live with me for quite some time!

Y’all need to run for this because it’s an experience that you’ll never forget! Big thank you to the author for letting me read this early!

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