3.5 stars

Ruth Anna Evans presents a short collection of medical horror with a good dose of body horror in this quick read.

I think the most horrifying thing to me was the slight dose of realism some of these stories had. Starting off with Lifeline, you only get medical help until you hit your credit limit. While that seems farfetched, how often do people have to make the choice and refuse life-saving treatment because they can’t afford it. In this world, you’re not given the choice. Your medical treatment is just done once the limit has been reached.

In Side Effects Include, Laura goes to the doctor for treatment for hair loss and ends up experiencing all sorts of nasty side effects that only get worse with each treatment she receives. I’ve been a victim of some nasty rare side effects of things myself, so I really empathize with Laura here (though hers were way more varied and horrifying than mine).

In FAT, Cara has tried everything to lose weight, but nothing is working. The doctors are extremely unhelpful as they just tell her to diet and exercise (I’m sure a lot of people can relate to this), so she finds a weight loss treatment that works a little TOO well. Her insurance won’t cover any further treatments, so she takes matters into her own hands to deal with the consequences of her weight loss.

This was a fun little collection to read! It was a quick one, but a solid 3.5 stars.

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