Man’s Best Friend – J. Boote

4/5 stars

I never thought I’d see the day that I’d be reading a book about extreme bestiality, but here I am. Justin, I mean this in the best way, but you’ve got some sick thoughts in that head of yours. And knowing that parts of this are true….brings a whole new depth to this story.

I like how accepting that Keith was overall. He didn’t kink shame or throw around slurs of any kind; he just accepted that there’s a lot of weird stuff out there that people are into and moved on. I especially liked his attitude of ‘don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.’ Now, that being said, when Keith flies off the handle, he flies in epic fashion.

The various uses of sex toys as an assist to murder was one of the more creative methods I’ve read. Keith certainly thought outside the box for his admittedly short killing spree lol. The bit with Basher and the Rottweiler was particularly inspired, though quite stomach turning, all things considered.

Man’s Best Friend is a very quick read, but it makes an impact. It’s definitely added to the Things That Make You Go Hmm list!

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