Every Time I Die – Jay Bower

4/5 stars

Every Time I Die is a thought-provoking story about how far you’d go to save your loved ones and how that desperation can get twisted into something dangerous.

Alex, like many of us, is an impatient driver. His impatience is his downfall, though, and he’s forced to make a bargain with a demon. He will live, his wife will heal, but when the demon demands blood…he must deliver. The demon’s needs get harder and harder for Alex to deal with until he finally reaches his breaking point.

Jay manages to capture Alex’s desperation perfectly! His agony over the choices he is forced to make and his struggle to completely fulfill his bargain is written so well. I couldn’t help but get caught up in all the emotions that Alex was working through as I was reading.

There were a few places that I thought the story got a bit repetitive, mostly when Alex was looking for his next person. I wanted to see more interaction with Christine and Randa so they felt more real to me. It was a little hard for me to empathize with them as much when they felt more like background characters than characters essential to Alex’s story.

I had a really good time with Every Time I Die though! Jay’s books are always a great read, and this one was no exception!

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