Creep by Jennifer Hillier

3/5 stars

This takes a loooong time to get where it’s going. I didn’t think the book was ever going to end, and I contemplated DNF’ing it several times. The only reason I kept with it is because I was promised a big twist at the end.

The characters didn’t come alive for me in the way I wanted them to. There was very little lead in at the start, and it felt like I was supposed to know more about them than I did. Because I didn’t, it was hard for me to get into the characters and be invested in them. It didn’t really matter to me one way or another what happened to them because I didn’t get to know them very well.

The big twist was a bit disappointing, but I’ll give the author credit for building up an atmosphere by the resolution. However, the resolution happened off-camera, so I feel a bit cheated that I didn’t actually get to read how the situation concluded. I got the aftermath, but I’d have liked to read the events as they were happening. The ending felt a bit tacked on and rushed also, so I was left a little wanting when I was done.

Creep wasn’t a bad book by any means; it just wasn’t as good as what I was hoping from the description.

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