Cassie Cole: Mistress of the Why Choose

Hail Mary was my first Cassie Cole read back in November of 2022. I’m a huge RH fan and sports romance is one of my great loves in romance, so I was really excited when I came across it. Cassie writes her heroines with a backbone and plenty of sass, and I love that about her stories. Her spice is top notch, and she’s become an instant buy for me whenever I see a new release in her newsletter! My review for Bosses with Benefits even made it into her newsletter, which is still one of my happiest moments!

I was so happy when she agreed to do an interview with me, and it’s my sincere pleasure to introduce you to her below!

Q: Who has been your biggest supporter(s) throughout your writing career?

A: My biggest supporter throughout my writing career has been my husband. He was the one who pushed me to write more (back when I was doing it for fun!) and he gave me the courage to quit my day job to write full-time. He also helps out with all of the small tasks that come with being a writer: updating my website, managing my mailing list, scheduling promotions, etc. I couldn’t do it without him!

Q: Where do you draw inspiration from in your work?

A: I draw inspiration from all sorts of places. I’m always consuming media, whether it’s in the form of TV shows, movies, music, or podcasts. Anytime an idea pops into my head, I pause whatever I’m doing and open up my “ideas notebook” on my phone and quickly write it down. Then, when it’s time to start planning a new book, I can open up that notebook and grab an idea that’s already there!

Q: What does it mean to you to be an author?

A: To me, being an author means being a storyteller. I love telling stories, whether it’s recounting a funny thing that happened to me at the grocery store, or writing a full-fledged book.

Q: What is your writing process like? Do you listen to certain music, snack, make loads of phone notes when inspiration randomly strikes?

A: I’m what’s called an “architect” writer. Before writing a single word, I sit down and create a rough outline of all the big things that are going to happen in the entire book. Especially the ending. Then, when I do sit down and start writing, I know what direction I need to take it in. And while writing, I always listen to music without vocal – usually either classical music or some LoFi chillwave music.

Q: Is there a genre or subgenre that you want to explore that you haven’t yet? Conversely, are there any that you’ll never write?

A: I would love to get more into paranormal romance. I wrote a five-book series (Pyromancer’s Path) that I loved, but that’s more on the fantasy side than paranormal.

Q: What has been the hardest part of your career as an author so far?

A: The hardest part of my career was the pressure that came with quitting my day job and writing full-time. Writing is surprisingly easy (for me) when there isn’t any pressure, but when I stopped getting that consistent monthly paycheck and I had to write to keep a roof over my head? Oh boy, that was hard. But it also made me a better, more focused writer in the long-term.

Q: What do you consider to be your greatest strength and weakness as an author?

A: My greatest strength as a writer is consistency. I sit down and write every single day, even when I’m not motivated. You have to keep moving forward in this business, even if it’s just a little bit at a time.

Q: Who is on your radar as someone you’d love to work with?

A: I’d love to work more with Krista Wolf. She and I exchange emails occasionally, and share marketing notes and ideas, but it would be fun to collaborate on a project!

Q: At some point in our lives, we’ve all heard the negative comments: “You’re not good enough.” “You’ll never make it.” “This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” “You don’t belong.” How do you move forward when faced with negativity?

A: The best way to get past negativity is to embrace it. All feedback is important, especially as an author. We owe it to our readers to give them the best possible product, and we can only do that if we’re open and honest about the quality of our work. I’ve seen authors who become absolutely crippled with anxiety when they receive any kind of review that isn’t 100% positive. That kind of information is feedback! It makes you a better author! Learn from it!

Q: What advice would you give to women who are wanting to write, especially if it’s something others might perceive as “outside of the norm”?

A: My advice to any woman who wants to write: Sit down and write every single day. You’re probably going to be bad at first, but that’s okay! Writing is a skill like any other. Professional baseball players don’t just step up to the plate and start hitting homeruns; they spend thousands of hours, years and years, in the batting cage practicing. Writing is the exact same way. Get practicing!

Cassie had the most fun she’s had writing a book in a long time with last year’s release, The Inheritance.

Robyn took care of aging millionaire Alistair Schreiber until his death. She was shocked to discover that he put her in his Will, but there’s a catch: she and three others are competing for the inheritance, and whoever stays in his mansion the longest without leaving wins. There’s Alistair’s hunky gardener, Chase, chiseled great-grandson, Brody, and dashing estate lawyer, Xander. All four of them are hiding secrets. Can Robyn put aside her attraction for her new housemates so she can win the fortune? Will they discover the desperate secret she’s been keeping first?

Grab a copy of The Inheritance here, and don’t forget to sign up for Cassie’s newsletter on her website and follow her on Facebook so you don’t miss any new releases!

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