Thaumaturgist by Matt Duchossoy

4/5 stars

I spent a lot of time in junior high and high school reading a ton of creepypasta, and Thaumaturgist rather happily reminded me of that time. I had a lot of nostalgia reading this because I was remembering when I found Slendy and Jeff and all the other creepypasta I read.

Kenny gave me mad Slenderman and wendigo vibes, but not, and it was great! Matt did such a good thing with the atmosphere in this story, I’ve been side eyeing my windows and doors, making sure there’s nothing there waiting for me. The chapters weren’t super long, but it kept the pace of the story moving and I think the shorter chapters did this a lot of credit.

Let’s talk characters! I was really pulling for Freyja. She got under my skin and is my favourite character in the book. That being said, her storyline ended exactly as it should have (even if it pains me to say that). Samuel got exactly what he deserved and I regret any nice thing I thought about him while I was reading. I’m so curious about what happens after this. Matt left it a bit open ended and I’m extremely curious over the end result since this seems like a different effect that what happened with Kenny.

All in all, I had a great time with this! Big thank you to Matt for providing me a copy of this to review! Time to go on a deep dive through his catalogue to see what other fun things I can find 😀

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