2 Cherries For My Dad’s Best Friend by S.E. Law

1/5 stars


I have a number of issues with this book, the Chief among them being Killian admitting that he’s lusted after Leah since she was 16. She’d have been a minor then…..if the author wanted to portray that he’s wanted Leah for a while, Leah should’ve been older so Killian didn’t come off as a pedophile.

Next issue, Allentown is a small town. Shoot, I think it’s even smaller than the town I live in. So I’m confused about how a Crown Prince would come to he in Allentown at a super fancy hotel. Maybe things are different in Jersey than where I live, but that didn’t jive with me.

Third, the dirty talk. It’s a major turn-off when reading a romance for anyone in the relationship to exclusively curse during the act. That’s extremely unattractive to me, and it makes me enjoy the story a lot less. Sometimes, the characters would use these super fancy, obscure words just in random conversation or thought, too, and that seemed unnecessary. I don’t think someone needs to use huge, fancy words to come across as smart. It just seems fake.

And let’s not forget just shoving two “rods” into her unprepared and without lube when she’s never been with a man before. Though apparently losing it to a man who just shoves massive equipment into her didn’t hurt a bit, and she didn’t need to accommodate at all for any of his special anatomy.

As fun as a doubly endowed man is to read about, I got lost at the snake tongue that could split so far to double penetrate and could taste if she’d ever been with someone before. I cringed so hard at that.

This one wasn’t for me, unfortunately. I was super interested because I’ve never read a story about someone who has diphallia (I was also surprised that it was all over this story because it only happens in one in every five million men), but I just couldn’t get into it. Thank you to Give Me Books for letting me read this early.

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