The Housemates by Iain Rob Wright

4/5 stars

What a brutal game of Big Brother Iain has crafted! The Housemates is a brutal tale of revenge and a warning that actions have consequences.

Damien is offered a chance at winning 2 million pounds if he agrees to be cut off from society with eleven others for ten days. Over those ten days, competitions will be held, and contestants will be eliminated from the game if they fail. However, there’s a catch…..these contestants are playing for more than just money.

I couldn’t look away from this and ended up reading it in one sitting. It was a ride from start to finish, and I really got caught up with the characters. At times, they did come out a little flat, though. I wish that they would’ve developed a little more outside of their videos, but I really felt for Damien. I saw the Traitor coming a mile away, but it was still a fun twist to read!

This is the first book that I’m reading in the series, and now I’m really curious how the other two before this one factor in. I’m definitely going to have to check them out and build this world even further!

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